Monday, October 5, 2009

Beyonce vs. Paula Patton (outfits)

Which dress do you like the best?? Beyonce's or Paula Patton's?? I'm going to take a vote just for the fun of it b/c i dont have anything else to blog about right now. So leave a comment and tell me which one you like better. Holla at your gurl!!!

I think this is a very cute little dress. Beyonce good job!

I liked this dress to, with the lil slit at the bottom and the one arm hanging out or whatever. That's cute as well. Good job Paula Patton!

Pick your choice!! Paula or Beyonce!!!

Peace Love.Basketball.Music

1 comment:

Thanx for your comment. I appreciate it and your support. I will read your comment and try to get back to you as soon as possible. Thanx again and i hope you like the blog. HOLLA AT YOUR GURL!!
