Thursday, November 5, 2009

First Practice!

Well today was my first high school basketball practice. Nothing real special huh? Well nothing really special did happen just the fact im glad im going to basketball practice. Ive been playing for all my life! Anyway, before i get off track, it went pretty kool. We did alot of running which isnt so fun but it gets easier when we're in shape. Right now not so much. And we have practice everyday(except Sundays) so we'll be in shape pretty soon. Our first game is on Saturday, November 21st at 10 am. Its a home game :). So we got 13 days til then. Our practices are 2 hours long so thats 26 hours of practice. Not too bad, i know we'll be ready. I cant wait! I wanna start so bad. Thats my next step, now that ive made the team. Well just wanted to let ya know how everything went. How was your day? Anything interesting? HOLLA AT YOUR GURL!




  1. I hope you all to very good on your first game... as Rev Run would say "Do your best and forget the rest"

  2. Good you made the Team...I use to play basketball but quick bcuz i didn't like how my nails were always and the girls were just too much but gOOD Luck..

    -Thanks Hun for the comment i really appreciate it and yeah the album is pretty good..alot of nice tracks on it again thanks for the comment

  3. i like DA blog new style and its pretty cool.. omg 23 followers go gal good luck! Send some of dem followers 2 me lol!:)reall luv da new blog MS.90's musiclover

  4. oh and how do get a poll 4 da blog.. i was trying to find one but i couldnt thanx:)

  5. Thanx misshadijat:) I know my goal is to get 50 followers. Youre not doing too bad yourself you got 18. I'll send ya some ;) haha and i got the poll from the layout where you can add a gadget. click add a gadget then scroll down til you see Poll and click on that and there you go! Thanx again for your comments! :)


Thanx for your comment. I appreciate it and your support. I will read your comment and try to get back to you as soon as possible. Thanx again and i hope you like the blog. HOLLA AT YOUR GURL!!
