I LOVE this one it is a PERFECT example to what i'm talking about! Great job to whoever did this! :)
I like this one too because to me its saying you might as well show your a**. I mean your doing it anyway!
Oh yea i forgot to say this but i'm just going to let yall see the pic and figure it out. If you cant seek help lol jk jk! :)
I am SOOOO tired of the guys and them sagging their pants. Its not cute and they walk like something is stuck up their butt! (LMAO) Plus do they even know what that really means and where it came from?? I dont think so so i'm going to try to school you boys: first of all it came jail, prison, the pen, whatever you want to call it. second of all it MEANS that you are GAY and not the "happy" meaning either! The meaning as in you like guys and want to date and sleep with guys; that meaning. So basically when you guys sag your saying "I'm Gay!" And yall really think that is attractive?? I DONT THINK SO! (not to me anyway) I mean what i look like wanting to look at your a** all day long? huh? NO THANK YOU! I dont want to see all that! Your butty cheeks and butt crack, ewww! And then yall walk; OMG yall look like yall got something stuck up your butty or like you got to go to the bathroom and do number 2 and you been holding it for the past 2 hours. Do you get what im sayin? Maybe you are and you dont care but whatever tell me anyway(haha) and if you do care tell me. I want GURLS AND GUYS to comment on this one because i want hear what you guys got to say. I hope i'm not alone on this one! HOLLA AT YOUR GURL!