Monday, October 5, 2009

Derrion Albert's Funeral

They say more than a thousand attended Derrion Albert's funeral. =) And that due to his death that he has become a symbol of urban violence and a cry to put a stop to it. Which needs to happen. They need to put a stop to all this bullsh*t. For real, b/c it starts to depressing to see all these people getting killed over stupid stuff. Examples: Derrion, Kandi Fiance, AJ, and more. It's really sad. It really is that they had to die like that. And i dont want to see anymore of it(the violence) and if i do it better be for a VERY good reason. But this crap that they killing people over now a days and real stupid! And it makes them look stupid too, not tough or bad, or hard. B/c when they "tough, hard, bad" azz be locked in prison for it they gonna know who really is hard and it prolly wont be them! That's all i gotta say!

Peace Love.Basketball.Music

Does Michelle Williams look sick to you??

Ummm is it just me or did Michelle always look this skinny?? I thought she was a lil thicker than this?? Maybe it's just me. Yall tell me if she was always this skinny while i look for more pics and compare the too.....

Peace Love.Basketball.Music

Beyonce vs. Paula Patton (outfits)

Which dress do you like the best?? Beyonce's or Paula Patton's?? I'm going to take a vote just for the fun of it b/c i dont have anything else to blog about right now. So leave a comment and tell me which one you like better. Holla at your gurl!!!

I think this is a very cute little dress. Beyonce good job!

I liked this dress to, with the lil slit at the bottom and the one arm hanging out or whatever. That's cute as well. Good job Paula Patton!

Pick your choice!! Paula or Beyonce!!!

Peace Love.Basketball.Music