Tuesday, November 3, 2009

First Cuts(Girl's Basketball Tryouts).....

This week was the beginning of the girls basketball tryouts and everything. And i LOVE to play basketball, ive been playing since like forever! So all week long i have been having EXTREME butterflies in my stomach. Like worse than the butterflies you get right before you get a whooping from your dad(or mom). Or the ones that you get when you know your about to do something wrong, but you still do it and end up getting in HUGE trouble for it. You know what im talking about? Good you do; i hope.

Well my EXTREME butterflies were not so extreme today until the end of tryouts. Coach told us that he was going to make FIRST(NOT final) cuts today and that he would name the peopl off on his answer machine for the school. He said to check at 7 o'clock p.m.(tryouts ended at 6) so for the past 60 minutes my heart was beating REALLY fast and my stomach dropped and stayed there. At 6:58 i called his voicemail and listened for my name.........



I'm so happy, but this does not mean i have made the team i find that out tomorrow. I made it past first cuts, so tomorrow is the BIG day. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE keep me in your prayers! I know i can be on the team i know i got all that it takes i just want to make sure that my coach sees that and with all your prayers(like before) he will. Thank you for all the comments and support and prayers you have given me. I really do appreciate it and it helped alot. Just ONE more time and we'll see what the results are tomorrow......

Thank you.

-Nytevea <3