Thursday, September 3, 2009
Are Dark Skinned Brothers Coming Back??
I think so! I think the dark brothers are trying to comeback and get their shine on! Think about it... you got Mishon with Just A Kiss and Mullage with Trick'n. Now Mishon has a new song called Excuse Me Mama. And its pretty nice, I like it. If you havent heard it here it is. I dont know Chris Brown you better come with something besides Changed Man because you boii Mishon will take your spot. And he's on a role so far! He can sing, his song are respectful to us ladies, he's cute, AND he can dance! Oh yea you better have something up that abusive sleeve of yours! LOL JK JK JK i need to stop! Just check this video out but it doesnt have a thing so just go to and type in Mishon Excuse Me Mama. Oh and shout to Keke Palmer who is also in the video oh and Danger from the Love of Ray J! Keke blowing UP! Go head gurl speak for us dark skinned gurls! Chocolate ladies STAND UP! :)
Oprah's Tribute to the KING OF POP
ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! All that are fans of the late and GREAT Michael Jackson watch the Oprah Winfrey Show for her special tribute to the KING OF POP! she will air an entire show on SEPTEMBER 16 and show what she says "never before revealed details". DVR IT, WATCH IT, TAPE IT! I know i will! R.I.P. THE KING OF POP! WE GREATLY MISS YOU SO!
Oh btw Micheal has FINALLY been laid to rest! The Jacksons buried their brother, son, father, cousin, uncle in the Great Mausoleum at Forest Lawn in Glendale, California. It is strongly secured so it will very hard for us fans to get in to see Michael's grave :'( But im glad they finally can lay you to rest in peace. :' Again you will be GREATLY missed! R.I.P.
Oh btw Micheal has FINALLY been laid to rest! The Jacksons buried their brother, son, father, cousin, uncle in the Great Mausoleum at Forest Lawn in Glendale, California. It is strongly secured so it will very hard for us fans to get in to see Michael's grave :'( But im glad they finally can lay you to rest in peace. :' Again you will be GREATLY missed! R.I.P.
Just Plain Sad :(
This is so sad. A 19 year old sophomore attending Spelman College was SHOT and KILLED. There was a fight across the way at Clark-Atlanta University which where the stay bullet came from. Ms. Jasmine Lynn was not part of the fight and an 18 year was also wounded. Their name as not been released to the press, they also were not apart of the fight. This is just sad. They were just walking with their friends not messing with anyone and because of some ignorant actions one innocent girl was killed and another student was injured. That is sad. Both colleges will lose some students because of that because dont nobody want to got to a college where you have the chance at getting shot. And what makes it even more sad is that they are BLACK colleges. Come on yall we need to work as a people and try to make something better for ourselves and peers. I mean Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcom X, and Rosa Parks didnt fight for our freedom so we can shoot each other over some nonsense; which im sure it was over. But we dont know the whole story. :(
Wow! Amazing! See what I'm talking about...
There is a 14 year old that is attending COLLEGE as a SOPHOMORE! I'm 14 and im a FRESHMAN in HIGH SCHOOL! That is amazing! I give him alot of props on being so smart! And to add on to that he wants to go to medical school! Man! Congrats on a GREAT achievement! That's awesome! :)

OMG! LORD JESUS HELP THESE PEOPLE, PLEASE B/C I WANT TO GO OFF ON THEM RIGHT NOW! Did yall here about some parents being BUTTHOLES (i aint going to say what i really want to) over the president, OUR president, wanting to give a speech to all the schools and tell the students how its IMPORTANT to stay at school and get a good EDUCATION! Are you freakin' serious? They're talking about that he is "brainwashing" the students,us. Really, really?? Tell me this where were they at when former presidents George Bush and Ronald Reagan gave speeches to the schools? Huh? They didnt say nothing then! I'm glad Obama wants to give a speech to ALL the schools. It shows that he cares and that he really does want change. I dont think those parents realize that ALOT of kids are dropping out of school no matter if its middle school, high school, or college they are dropping out and they are losing a very VALUABLE education. And prolly THEIR kids are one of them kids who are wanting to drop out. And Obama giving a speech can change their mind and show them HEY YOU CAN DO THIS, IT CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH A BETTER LIFE! And i'm not the type whos like if your dropping or dropped your stupid and well be a loser! No because some people do find a way to make a better life, but it's VERY DIFFCULT. And im not saying that if you have an education then its any easier because its NOT! But it does give you a few extra steps as in a good job, nice house, nice car, nice clothes, etc. And not everyone can rap, or sing, or shoot a jumper, or catch a football, or hit a 100 home runs, or kick a ball, or serve the best serve, or win the most golf tournaments and earn alot of money. If you can do any of those things(like me(basketball)) go for it BUT HAVE A BACKUP PLAN. You cant do that for the rest of your life sooner or later you'll have to retire. And if you dont have enough money in the bank what are you going to?? I mean all im saying is that EDUCATION WILL GIVE YOU A BETTER LIFE IN THE LONG RUN! And i think that's what Obama wants to say. Why tell your kids" Hey you cant watch that he's brainwashing you!" Tell me what yall think?? Because frankly im kindof upset by it! :(
My Day at School....
Hey world! Just got off the bus and my day seemed long and tiring the first 2 hours but it got better. I took your advice and socialized more and met a couple of new people. And i talked to the guy in my PE hour. We had a full converstation too! :) It was basically about him because we're playing softball and we were on the same team :) and he keep dropping the ball so i made fun of him and called him butterfingers. I didnt get nervous either i was calm and cool :). I have some test to study for so i'll be doing that and when i take my snack breaks i'll blog and see whats going on. But thats all i really wanted to post for right now! HOLLA AT YOUR GURL! how did your day go?
I made it short this time ;)
I made it short this time ;)
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