Monday, October 5, 2009

Derrion Albert's Funeral

They say more than a thousand attended Derrion Albert's funeral. =) And that due to his death that he has become a symbol of urban violence and a cry to put a stop to it. Which needs to happen. They need to put a stop to all this bullsh*t. For real, b/c it starts to depressing to see all these people getting killed over stupid stuff. Examples: Derrion, Kandi Fiance, AJ, and more. It's really sad. It really is that they had to die like that. And i dont want to see anymore of it(the violence) and if i do it better be for a VERY good reason. But this crap that they killing people over now a days and real stupid! And it makes them look stupid too, not tough or bad, or hard. B/c when they "tough, hard, bad" azz be locked in prison for it they gonna know who really is hard and it prolly wont be them! That's all i gotta say!

Peace Love.Basketball.Music

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