OMG! LORD JESUS HELP THESE PEOPLE, PLEASE B/C I WANT TO GO OFF ON THEM RIGHT NOW! Did yall here about some parents being BUTTHOLES (i aint going to say what i really want to) over the president, OUR president, wanting to give a speech to all the schools and tell the students how its IMPORTANT to stay at school and get a good EDUCATION! Are you freakin' serious? They're talking about that he is "brainwashing" the students,us. Really, really?? Tell me this where were they at when former presidents George Bush and Ronald Reagan gave speeches to the schools? Huh? They didnt say nothing then! I'm glad Obama wants to give a speech to ALL the schools. It shows that he cares and that he really does want change. I dont think those parents realize that ALOT of kids are dropping out of school no matter if its middle school, high school, or college they are dropping out and they are losing a very VALUABLE education. And prolly THEIR kids are one of them kids who are wanting to drop out. And Obama giving a speech can change their mind and show them HEY YOU CAN DO THIS, IT CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH A BETTER LIFE! And i'm not the type whos like if your dropping or dropped your stupid and well be a loser! No because some people do find a way to make a better life, but it's VERY DIFFCULT. And im not saying that if you have an education then its any easier because its NOT! But it does give you a few extra steps as in a good job, nice house, nice car, nice clothes, etc. And not everyone can rap, or sing, or shoot a jumper, or catch a football, or hit a 100 home runs, or kick a ball, or serve the best serve, or win the most golf tournaments and earn alot of money. If you can do any of those things(like me(basketball)) go for it BUT HAVE A BACKUP PLAN. You cant do that for the rest of your life sooner or later you'll have to retire. And if you dont have enough money in the bank what are you going to?? I mean all im saying is that EDUCATION WILL GIVE YOU A BETTER LIFE IN THE LONG RUN! And i think that's what Obama wants to say. Why tell your kids" Hey you cant watch that he's brainwashing you!" Tell me what yall think?? Because frankly im kindof upset by it! :(
These people got me all mad and i gotta study. LOl :)