Monday, December 28, 2009
Its been a LONG time...
wow! havent talked to you guys in almost a month! man! sorry, ive been busy w/stuff. Im goin 2 try 2 start bloggin like i use to. Well, im sure your wondering what ive been doing? ive been playin basketball you know & i have practice everyday so thats one reason why i havent been bloggin. Another reason is b/c of school and my boiifriend Tre. I been tryin to hang w/him alot you know how that is. We have been goin out for 3 months now.We been hangin almost every weekend outside of school.(: I love hangin w/him. He is like just so amazing. We have alot of things in common, but then again we have some things that arent in common. We get along pretty well too. I think we've only fought, for real, about 3 times, but we dont stay mad at each other for more than an hour. Its hard to stay mad at him.(:Well, im sure dont wanna here all that jazz. So how you been?? Hope goood. Comment and tell me some things you want me to blog about or any questions you have. Oh, and shout out to Ms. King for gettin me back into bloggin again! Thank gurl! Love you guys!♥
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Hey yall! Sorry i hvnt been blogging lately, ive been REAL busy w/skewl, basketball, family & other stuff. How yu been? Ive been GREAT me & my boiifriend had our 2 monthz on Dec. 1st (: & the past few weeks we had our few first gamez(basketball team). We're 5-0 right now! Today we played Belleville West our "rivals"(nt really) the score waz like 39-19, i knw we won by 20 ptz. And our game on tuesday, we played Alon & we beat them 63-25! :) Yez we be killin! Next week we got 3 tough gamez. (but we'll win, cuz i hv faith in us) We play, Edwardsville, Centreal, & East St. Louis. Back to back! Tuesday,wednesday, & thursday! But we can do it! I knw we can! So jst wanted 2 update yu and see how yall waz doin? Holla at me! Peace!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hey hey! Sorry i havent been blogging in the past few days :( i've been real busy w/school, basketball, and family and other things. I'll try to keep up my blogging so you guys will still follow me.
Happy Thanksgiving! Today is my favorite holiday(and Christmas) i love Thanksgiving b/c i can see all my family and eat as much as i want (like always) but i dont feel like im being greedy b/c everyone else is stuffing their face too! Haha :) is Thanksgiving your favorite holiday? What do you like about Thanksgiving? What are you thankful for?
I'm thankful for my lovely family(we have peace now), i'm thankful for all the talents the Lord as given me, i'm thankful for the home God has allowed me and my family to live in, im thankful for the great friends i have and i'm thankful for a nice life that God has let me live for 14 long years.
Happy Thanksgiving! Today is my favorite holiday(and Christmas) i love Thanksgiving b/c i can see all my family and eat as much as i want (like always) but i dont feel like im being greedy b/c everyone else is stuffing their face too! Haha :) is Thanksgiving your favorite holiday? What do you like about Thanksgiving? What are you thankful for?
I'm thankful for my lovely family(we have peace now), i'm thankful for all the talents the Lord as given me, i'm thankful for the home God has allowed me and my family to live in, im thankful for the great friends i have and i'm thankful for a nice life that God has let me live for 14 long years.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Why Oprah? Why?! Dont do it! NOOO!!!! :(
Did you hear? Oprah is ending her show! :( I dont know why, but she is explaining why tomorrow. I dont want her to end the show, she is such a great influence on young peoples' lives and when she ends her show who will take her spot? I dont think ANYONE is as powerful and inspiring as Oprah. I really dont, not a female anyway, not for young girls/ ladies/ women, like me. Imma find more information about it later, i just saw a headline and a few sentences i didnt go into real details yet, but when i do i'll let you know. Tell me what you think? Is there any other female as powerful as Oprah, besides Mrs. Obama :D (love them both).... let me know!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Ugh! Lier!
Guys are such liers! They lie on like the littlest stuff! They lie for NO reason! Omg! Im not going to state his name, but you are the BIGGEST lier, ive ever MET! I hate when people lie for NO reason at all! If you didnt want to talk IDC i have other people to talk to its not like your the only person i talk to i wont feel bad or sad idc. But dont make up some story about your dad or whoever is mad at you or that you were sleep or that you were out and i find out that you were lieing! And TRUST i do my own research i dont have people check things out for me i do it myself! When im not talking to you, figure out why! :( Why do guys lie? Someone please tell me why! This isnt the first time i caught you lieing! Ugh, i dont know what to do. Im just not going to talk to you and see if you can figure it! LOSER! I want to curse you out, but that would do no good. Why lie? Why?
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Madea! I love this part of the play Madea Goes To Jail.
Now you know i had to post this after i posted the Going In Circles when i was listening i remembered this. Lmao! I love Madea! All the songs she sings are classic and i know them all! (Thanx grandma)Lmao! Go ahead Madea! Comment tell me whats your favorite play and/ or part.
Old Old School...
Going in Circles. Everyone knows this song! I'm 14 and i know every word(b/c of my grandma) but still its a classic! It seems creepy at first b/c of the creepy pic, but it gets better. Just listen.
Money To Blow-Drake & 'Em
I wish i had money to blow. Shoot i barely have any money. Lol here's the link to the video, i couldnt post the video and didnt have a HTML.
It Kills Me-Melaine Fiona
I'm just posting some songs that I like. This is one, I'm sure you heard it before, it's not really "new".
To Him...
If You Love Me-Brownstone
This for him, he knows who he is. The key parts are...
Comment Below! Thanx!
This for him, he knows who he is. The key parts are...
"I dont wanna rain on this parade
But I'm starting to question the love that was made"...(said)
...But if you want my heart
Then it's time that you start
To act like you're mine in the light and the dark
If you love me, say it
If you trust me, do it
If you want me, show it
If you need me, prove it
You see now actions speak louder than words
So don't just say things that I've already heard"...
Here's the song and video. I'm really feeling it. I know some girls have felt this way also...dont forget to comment!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
First Practice!
Well today was my first high school basketball practice. Nothing real special huh? Well nothing really special did happen just the fact im glad im going to basketball practice. Ive been playing for all my life! Anyway, before i get off track, it went pretty kool. We did alot of running which isnt so fun but it gets easier when we're in shape. Right now not so much. And we have practice everyday(except Sundays) so we'll be in shape pretty soon. Our first game is on Saturday, November 21st at 10 am. Its a home game :). So we got 13 days til then. Our practices are 2 hours long so thats 26 hours of practice. Not too bad, i know we'll be ready. I cant wait! I wanna start so bad. Thats my next step, now that ive made the team. Well just wanted to let ya know how everything went. How was your day? Anything interesting? HOLLA AT YOUR GURL!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Today was the last day of tryouts...
and today was final cuts...
For some strange reason i wasnt nervous. I think b/c God was w/me b/c of you guys prayers(THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! BTW)
At 6:57 pm i called his voicemail and....
I made the basketball team(freshman), but I MADE IT!
Dreams DO come true! And my dream(WNBA) is on its way of becoming true. I'm half way there! :D
Now I gotta keep working my butt off to start and to be the starting point guard(or shooting guard)
When that happens i just gotta keep working on getting better(which i already do) and keeping my starting spot.
THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO PRAYED FOR ME TO MAKE THE TEAM AND GAVE ME GREAT ADVICE TO BELIEVE IN MYSELF, KEEP FAITH, TO REMEMBER GOD WAS WITH ME & EVERYTHING ELSE! I GREATLY APPRECIATE IT! I will keep you guys updated and hopefully, maybe even post some of my highlights when the season begins. I believe that our first game is at the end of this month, but i wont get the schedule til tomorrow, so i'll let you know the dates of the games and scores and stats and everything. Thanx again!
and today was final cuts...
For some strange reason i wasnt nervous. I think b/c God was w/me b/c of you guys prayers(THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! BTW)
At 6:57 pm i called his voicemail and....
I made the basketball team(freshman), but I MADE IT!
Dreams DO come true! And my dream(WNBA) is on its way of becoming true. I'm half way there! :D
Now I gotta keep working my butt off to start and to be the starting point guard(or shooting guard)
When that happens i just gotta keep working on getting better(which i already do) and keeping my starting spot.
THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO PRAYED FOR ME TO MAKE THE TEAM AND GAVE ME GREAT ADVICE TO BELIEVE IN MYSELF, KEEP FAITH, TO REMEMBER GOD WAS WITH ME & EVERYTHING ELSE! I GREATLY APPRECIATE IT! I will keep you guys updated and hopefully, maybe even post some of my highlights when the season begins. I believe that our first game is at the end of this month, but i wont get the schedule til tomorrow, so i'll let you know the dates of the games and scores and stats and everything. Thanx again!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
First Cuts(Girl's Basketball Tryouts).....
This week was the beginning of the girls basketball tryouts and everything. And i LOVE to play basketball, ive been playing since like forever! So all week long i have been having EXTREME butterflies in my stomach. Like worse than the butterflies you get right before you get a whooping from your dad(or mom). Or the ones that you get when you know your about to do something wrong, but you still do it and end up getting in HUGE trouble for it. You know what im talking about? Good you do; i hope.
Well my EXTREME butterflies were not so extreme today until the end of tryouts. Coach told us that he was going to make FIRST(NOT final) cuts today and that he would name the peopl off on his answer machine for the school. He said to check at 7 o'clock p.m.(tryouts ended at 6) so for the past 60 minutes my heart was beating REALLY fast and my stomach dropped and stayed there. At 6:58 i called his voicemail and listened for my name.........
I'm so happy, but this does not mean i have made the team i find that out tomorrow. I made it past first cuts, so tomorrow is the BIG day. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE keep me in your prayers! I know i can be on the team i know i got all that it takes i just want to make sure that my coach sees that and with all your prayers(like before) he will. Thank you for all the comments and support and prayers you have given me. I really do appreciate it and it helped alot. Just ONE more time and we'll see what the results are tomorrow......
Thank you.
-Nytevea <3
Well my EXTREME butterflies were not so extreme today until the end of tryouts. Coach told us that he was going to make FIRST(NOT final) cuts today and that he would name the peopl off on his answer machine for the school. He said to check at 7 o'clock p.m.(tryouts ended at 6) so for the past 60 minutes my heart was beating REALLY fast and my stomach dropped and stayed there. At 6:58 i called his voicemail and listened for my name.........
I'm so happy, but this does not mean i have made the team i find that out tomorrow. I made it past first cuts, so tomorrow is the BIG day. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE keep me in your prayers! I know i can be on the team i know i got all that it takes i just want to make sure that my coach sees that and with all your prayers(like before) he will. Thank you for all the comments and support and prayers you have given me. I really do appreciate it and it helped alot. Just ONE more time and we'll see what the results are tomorrow......
Thank you.
-Nytevea <3
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Mucho Nervioso(very nervous)........
Girl's Basketball tryouts are tomorrow! And i am EXTREMELY nervous. All weekend long i have been thinking about it and today i couldnt take my mind off of it. I have been waiting all my life for this moment, since my i was in 1st grade and i played for Upward and only had 3 teammates. Finally! HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL!!!!! YAY!! This is time now is where im serious for real. I've always been serious when it came to playing basketball, but I want to play in the WNBA and i have to go to college first and play there to get to the WNBA. And before college is high school. So i have to be good during high school to play in college. And i'm nervous because it's high school and it's like what i've been waiting for is finally here. All i have to do is make the team. Which i have faith in that i will, but when i make it(gotta speak in faith) i want to start. I know im good enough to make the team and to start i just want the coach to know that. I have the grades and the right attitude and i usually make it to class on time and i always go to ALL the practices i just have to prove it to him. Wish me luck yall! Pray for me, this means alot to me. Tryouts end Wednesday, that's when they make the final cuts so i'll let you know what happens then. PRAY FOR ME!!!!! PLEASE!!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Doesnt Mean Anything
Alicia Keys- Doesnt Mean Anything
i posted the song & blogged about it on my other blog:
check it out just click the link
i posted the song & blogged about it on my other blog:
check it out just click the link
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sorry i havent been blogging the past few days. I have been real busy lately. This past weekend i had Homecoming and it was THE BOMB! =D i never had so much fun as i did at Homecoming than i have ever before in any other dances. Me and my boo was getting it on the dance floor. And the DJ was doing his thang. He played some old school too thats what really shocked me! He played some Ice Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice and of course some MJ. EVERYbody was getting crunk to that! He played some nice lil slow dance songs like Pretty Wings and others. And the last slow dance song was Alicia Keys No One. Me and my boo song it was great! I just wanted to let yall somewhat of what happened to me this weekend and why i havent been blogging. Now i gotta get back to study for this World Geography test that i have tomorrow. Yay!=)....NOT!=(
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Brandy- Sitting In My Room
I'm really feeling this song right here. I'm going to post it on this blog too but for more videos that i have posted(Examples: Queen Latifah, Tony Tone Toni, Aaliyah, and more) go to my The Music Of Life blog. Its all about music! Check it out if you havent already the link is:
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
It's almost here! Our homecoming! Some people already had their homecoming, but not us(Belleville East) yet! Our homecoming is this Saturday! I am so excited! All week long we've been having like dress up days or whatever where we can dress up(we have a dress code) so we can wear some stuff we normally don't get to wear. And at the beginning of the week(which was Tuesday for us) we got to wear like boy swimming trunks or whatever(you know they ain't going to let us,girls, walk around in bathing suits; its too cold anyway). It was freezing cold and only a few people dressed up. Not me. So today was under the sea day. We got to dress up as a character that lived under the sea. Of course everyone wore their Spongebob pajamas. Except me b/c wal-mart didn't have any in the junior/ girls section =(. It also was pirate day! So some people also dressed up as a pirate. It was kool to see people all dressed up too bad i wasn't one of them =( But that's okay b/c Friday(aka Freshman Friday) is the day we get to wear jeans! =D(Are dress codes allows us to only wear black pants, khakis, and navy blue pants. With white, any blue, grey and maroon shirt w/a collar. It's not that bad but i miss wearing my jeans. B/c we get to wear whatever kind of jewelry we want and stuff its just the top and bottom that we cant wear whatever.)
So now that you know what's going during the week HERE IS THE GOOD STUFF! Friday is Freshman Friday, us freshmans get to miss 1st and 2nd hour to go to assembly just for us and get candy from the seniors =)YES CANDY! But it's also when some boys who been talking alot of smack get beat down by the older guys to show them that they're "tough". Nothing really happens with the girls. And almost all freshmans get F written in Sharpie on their forehead. How fun! Sike that wont be happening to me, maybe washable marker but sharpie i dont think so!(I know alot of older kids so they are going to mark me with F i all ready know) And also Friday is our homecoming football game! =) Then Saturday at 7:00-11:00 is our homecoming! Cant wait! =D I got my dress and my boiifriend got his outfit and he bought the tickets(thanks babe!) so we are good to go! YES! =D well that's all folks! Thanks for reading and please leave a comment and tell me how your homecoming was(or when if you havent had it yet) and if you went or not.
So now that you know what's going during the week HERE IS THE GOOD STUFF! Friday is Freshman Friday, us freshmans get to miss 1st and 2nd hour to go to assembly just for us and get candy from the seniors =)YES CANDY! But it's also when some boys who been talking alot of smack get beat down by the older guys to show them that they're "tough". Nothing really happens with the girls. And almost all freshmans get F written in Sharpie on their forehead. How fun! Sike that wont be happening to me, maybe washable marker but sharpie i dont think so!(I know alot of older kids so they are going to mark me with F i all ready know) And also Friday is our homecoming football game! =) Then Saturday at 7:00-11:00 is our homecoming! Cant wait! =D I got my dress and my boiifriend got his outfit and he bought the tickets(thanks babe!) so we are good to go! YES! =D well that's all folks! Thanks for reading and please leave a comment and tell me how your homecoming was(or when if you havent had it yet) and if you went or not.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Congrats Obama!
Congrats to our President for winning the Nobel Peace Prize!!
We're so proud of you Obama!
I know i am!
Great job, you deserve it!
Thumbs up to you!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Derrion Albert's Funeral
They say more than a thousand attended Derrion Albert's funeral. =) And that due to his death that he has become a symbol of urban violence and a cry to put a stop to it. Which needs to happen. They need to put a stop to all this bullsh*t. For real, b/c it starts to depressing to see all these people getting killed over stupid stuff. Examples: Derrion, Kandi Fiance, AJ, and more. It's really sad. It really is that they had to die like that. And i dont want to see anymore of it(the violence) and if i do it better be for a VERY good reason. But this crap that they killing people over now a days and real stupid! And it makes them look stupid too, not tough or bad, or hard. B/c when they "tough, hard, bad" azz be locked in prison for it they gonna know who really is hard and it prolly wont be them! That's all i gotta say!
Peace Love.Basketball.Music
Peace Love.Basketball.Music
Does Michelle Williams look sick to you??
Ummm is it just me or did Michelle always look this skinny?? I thought she was a lil thicker than this?? Maybe it's just me. Yall tell me if she was always this skinny while i look for more pics and compare the too.....
Peace Love.Basketball.Music
Peace Love.Basketball.Music
Beyonce vs. Paula Patton (outfits)
Which dress do you like the best?? Beyonce's or Paula Patton's?? I'm going to take a vote just for the fun of it b/c i dont have anything else to blog about right now. So leave a comment and tell me which one you like better. Holla at your gurl!!!
Peace Love.Basketball.Music
I think this is a very cute little dress. Beyonce good job!
I liked this dress to, with the lil slit at the bottom and the one arm hanging out or whatever. That's cute as well. Good job Paula Patton!
Pick your choice!! Paula or Beyonce!!!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
The Dummies that killed Derrion Albert.....
These 3 dummies are the killers that repeatly beat Derrion Albert. They said they mistaken Derrion for a rival gang member. Yall should be in a gang anyway!! It only results in yall getting KILLED or in JAIL like you've already put yourself. Now you killed a boy that was NOT in any kind of gang b/c you thought he was a knuckle head like yall!! Well you thought wrong!!! He was doing something with his life that would help him live a better life in the long run; while yall be hoping you can make it thru the long night!! Again! Stupid actions + stupid people = bad results! Period! WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THESE GUYS?? WHAT WOULD YOU SENTENCE THEM TO IF YOU WERE THE JUDGE?? HOLLA AT YOUR GURL
Peace Love.Basketball.Music
Peace Love.Basketball.Music
Happy Birthday....
Happy birthday to mii homegurl, best friend since 4th grade! ROBIN!! Your finally 14 gurl! Your still the young one in the crew, but that's ok cuz you so dog on tall!! =( But happy birthday gurl!!! I tryed to call you but you didnt answer so i sent a text so tomorrow at the bus stop dont be sayin i didnt say happy birthday. I got proof!! Lol. Love ya!! Have a good birthday gurl!! PEACE!=)
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Yo shout out to ALL my followers! Thank you SO much for following. What you guys been up to? I just been chillin. Listening to music(as always), hanging with friends, and going to football games. I went to one last night. It was cold as I dont know what outside! It was 53 degrees to be exact! OMG!! Everybody's wearing jeans and coats and sweatshirts except this one girl! OMG!!! She had one some booty shorts and a tank top that showed WAY too much!! This one dude that was standing near me saw her and was, "Yes! Pantie dropper!" with a smile on his face. Then went to go talk to her. That is a DAMN shame if as soon as a guy sees you and calls you a Pantie Dropper! A real damn shame! And i KNOW she was cold and prolly as sick as a dog today! I can't believe her momma let her leave the house like that! Tell me would you let your kid out the house like that??
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Feeling Good...
I've had a long day. Well we had a shorten day for school and that made the day go pretty fast. But the couple of hours after that were like just ugh! But now im feeling really good, watching Fresh Prince of Bel-Air(the episode when Will is on the basketball team and Carlton becomes jealous) and texting people. Im so happy we dont have school tomorrow because of parent teacher conferences so i get to spend the day with my homies! =) well just wanted to blog about my day and what i was doing so holla at you all later!
Oh and shout out to Lil Baby G! Thanx for following!
Holla at your gurl!!
Peace Love.Basketball.Music
Oh and shout out to Lil Baby G! Thanx for following!
Holla at your gurl!!
Peace Love.Basketball.Music
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
MY HOMEGURL SANIYA!!! I havent talked you since like last year sometime and you text me out of no where at like the BEST time in the world!! You always know when to make me feel better and laugh!!! I wish you didnt move so far away!!! We got to stay in touch for now on!!! Just wanted to give you a shout out!!! Love ya!!!!
Your homegurl,
Peace Love.Basketball.Music
Your homegurl,
Peace Love.Basketball.Music
OKAY!!! MORE BULLSH*T!!! I saw this on the news at my lunch period at school they were showing it. Someone made a post on Facebook asking people should Obama be killed?? UGH!!! They gave 4 choices, yes, maybe, if he cuts my health care, and no! What the!!!! I was waiting for something like this to happened. I knew people could not just let a BLACK man be President without messing with him. I knew! I mean they did that stuff about him "brainwashing" students when he gave that speech on staying in school. Now they starting polls on if he should be killed?? WHAT KINDOF STUFF IS THAT!!! Ugh!! Im too upset i cant even blog about it and how i feel about it. I just want yall to look at this picture and tell me how you feel!!! Cuz i feel like slapping some people around!!!! =( my mood=angry, disappointed, sad, upset!!!
Peace Love.Basketball.Music
Peace Love.Basketball.Music
16 year old beaten to death in Chicago......
OMG!!! This is really sad! I thought the bus fight in my neck of the woods was some stupid ish! Please! It doesnt beat this NONSENSE!! Did you hear about Derrion Albert?? He's a 16 year old i believe HONOR student! He hasnt been in a fight all his life and some stupid azz people ended his life; for what??? Huh?? For what?? I have a little sister that is the sweetest person i know! And if she can get beaten and killed while walkin home from school! Boii I will NOT let it slide! Best believe I would find the person who did it and KILL them! Idc if my basketball dream will be dead & i have to go to jail for life! Idc! You aint bout to hurt my sister in ANY kind of way and get away with it! Let me explain why I'm so freakin upset! Derrion Albert is walkin home from school like any other day. And some idoits are hitting people with wood sticks 4x4!! They end op hitting this young boii SEVERAL times in the head to the extent where he's KILLED!!! Not in a coma where he could wake up and see life again! No he is sadly DEAD! He aint seeing NOTHING!!(Hopefully Jesus) But anyway, these dudes just keep hitting him til he stops moving! And the stupid azz punk (i aint going to say the N word) that's taping the whole thing is just like, "Damn! Damn! Damn!" What the.... is wrong with him?? No you dont sit there and tape someone being beaten! You find help! Thats what you do! Cuz if it was someone apart of your family that was treated like that you'd do something to help them! Wouldnt you?? Yes! I know you would! So why not him?? Just stupid! What the heck is wrong with this world! I'm scared to have kids if they going to be treated like this by their own kind! And i aint tryin to play the black card or race card i'm just sayin. After all the bull we been through w/ slavery, cop beatens, rapes by cops, etc. we suppose to be HELPING each other NOT KILLING EACH OTHER! UGH!!! IM SOOO PISSED LET ME STOP FOR I SAY SOME STUFF I MIGHT GET IN TROUBLE FOR SAYIN! Check out this video of the beating if you havent seen it or heard about it! =(
=( Just plain sad!!
Peace Love.Basketball.Music
=( Just plain sad!!
Peace Love.Basketball.Music
Monday, September 28, 2009
Hot Pastry!!! (Shoes not food)
Are these dope or are these dope??? If only i had the money i would get ALL of these! But you know money is tight and i got to eat! So we i start off my candy business again which will be soon then i'll have more money to get them =) Oh and last year i sold candy bags for a dollar i made MAD money so im going to start it again so i can get some money in my pocket til this summer when i get my work permit. But yea they were like big bags so i was getting PAID! But back to the shoes. These are really HOT i cant stress that enough!=)
Peace Love.Basketball.Music
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Chris Brown & Rihanna Using Their Heads To.......
Oh yea i heard on the radio last night that i forgot to blog about is that Chris Brown and Rihanna found a way around the court system. Now you how they been rumors that Chris Brown and Rihanna still love each and are still seeing each other. Well the judge said that Chris Brown couldnt come within 500 feet of Rihanna (something like that) and if their attending the same award show or anything its like 10 feet. Well if Chris Brown breaks any of those rules he could go to jail. Well..... thats only in the United States! So they decided to go to Mexico where they could be around each other as much as they want without breaking any rules because their not in the U.S. LMAO!! =D Isnt that hilarous?? I think it is....they like okay he cant come near me in the U.S. but anywhere outside of the U.S. they can hold hands and everything. Lets just hope Chris Brown doesnt beat her outside of the U.S. cuz he dont want to go to prison in Mexico. Well what do you think of that situation?? I think its pretty smart and funny. Their ALWAYS a way around the system! You just got to find. =)
Peace Love.Basketball.Music
I just had to post this twice on my The Music of Life blog and this one. Since i have more followers on this blog maybe i'll get more comments.....
Peace Love.Basketball.Music
I just had to post this twice on my The Music of Life blog and this one. Since i have more followers on this blog maybe i'll get more comments.....
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Lisa Leslie has played her LAST game....
Congrats Diana Taurasi!!!!
Tonight was Lisa Leslie last game. L.A. Sparks lost to Phoenix Mercury. The score was 85-74. Truely, honestly the Sparks were in trouble from the very beginning. They didnt come out with the right attitude of winning. Mercury on the other hand came out as, this is OUR court, we're going to win, we aren't waiting til next year to go win the championship. This year is OUR year to win. And that's exactly what they did. They proved their the best. Im kinda of sad because i wanted the Sparks to go to the Finals, but then again im ok. Because i like Phoenix and Diana Taurasi. Diana is a BEAST, that girl is COLD. She's is the BOMB! So i want to say comgrats Phoenix Mercury! And Sparks i hope next year you come out ALOT stronger and prepared. Lisa Leslie you did great and I hope you enjoy being around your daughter and husband. NOW, lets talk about the WNBA FINALS! The first game will begin on Tuesday on ESPN2 the time is TBD. I am going for the Phoenix Mercury for the Championship. So lets get it!!!
So long Lisa Leslie! We'll miss you! Candace Parker its time for you to lead the team! We'll get it next year!
I want to give a shout out to all my followers new and older. I just want to thank you for following me and giving me support. I will try my very best to keep my blog interesting and kool to look at. If you have any troubles finding anything on my blog or want to see something please leave a comment and let me know. Thanx, much love!
L.A. SPARKS AND PHOENIX MERCURY GAME #3. Its the Western Conference Finals and the series is tied 1-1. The game tonight determines who goes on the the Finals. Its halftime and its not looking so good for L.A. Sparks. The score is 25-41 with the Phoenix Mercury with 41 points =( This is really sad Sparks. If yall want to become the champions they need to step their game up and change the score the second half. Lisa Leslie this could be your last game tonight if you dont lead the team to a sweet VICTORY. Come on Sparks I want yall to win I have faith in yall that yall can do it. So step it up makes some shots,get some steals, get rebounds and do yall thang. This should be YALL game NOT THEIRS! Lets get it!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Quote 4:
“Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you believe that you too can become great.” ~Mark Twain
Belleville West Fight....
Do you remember the Belleville West fight that i blogged about awhile ago??Maybe you have and maybe you havent. But in my area, Belleville, Illinois, there was recently a BIG fight between two black boys and a white boy on Belleville West bus. The boys involved were expelled for the maximum time. They were also charged with felonies. They've been EXPELLED not for just the remainder of THIS year but also for NEXT year. Can you believe it?? Actually i can! And you know why because I know at my school, Belleville East, they dont allow fighting whatsoever! I mean you get arrested and they press charges! So i KNOW at Belleville West they dont play. And i want to know why were they fighting anyway?! I mean I heard that the white boy moved his bookbag out the seat so he started beating the crap out of him?! So what! I mean it looked pretty crowded on the bus to me and he needed a place to seat. So what he going to do; sit on the floor or stand up for the rest of the ride to school?! I dont think so! I know if i needed a place to sit and you wouldnt move your stuff i would move it to or either make room to the extent that you'd have to move your stuff. I mean come on man! I dont care what the matter of the fact was you and some other idiot just ruined your lives in less than 20 minutes to kick some dudes butt b/c of some unknown reason! Really?? Really?? Not necessary at all! Not at all!! It sounds stupid to me! I mean those boys are not going to miss a few days of school but the ENTIRE YEAR AND THE NEXT!! What you going to do now?! Huh?? Most likely this would lead to more bad stupid behavior! And that definitely wont do you any good! I hope their parents and/or grandparents are kicking THEY butt everyday for doing such a dumb act! I know if I was your parent you would NEVER see the daylight again. Or T.V. or cell phone or ANY kind of phone(house phone, carphone, etc.) You would barely have a bed! You would be sleeping on a matress with ONE pillow and an old blanket. You would have NO radio! You wouldnt know what new songs came out for a VERY LONG time! You would get NO new shoes, jackets, sweaters, pants, ANYTHING. B/c you wouldnt know what was out! No computer, no NOTHING! You would only have a pen and paper to write your thoughts down! I wouldnt let you out your room unless it was to pee or shower! And that would be it! I would bring your dinner up to you IF i felt like it! (lol i would bring your food up everyday,wouldnt want to kill you) I mean i would make sure you knew what prison feels like w/o even being there! So I hope those boys learned their lesson and others who may have or may do the same learn from it too. B/c it's really a stupid choice and you want to remember your high school years as the basketball star, or football star, or prom king NOT the idiot boy who fought some guy b/c he moved his bookbag out of a seat. Dont that sound stupid?! Tell me what you think after all that reading! lol sorry i just had to get all my thoughts out.
Good Morning!
Good Morning! Ready for school? I'm not. I really dont feel like going. I like my school and all WAY better than my old school! But I dont want to go, because i have a test in Biology and i HATE Biology. I HATE Science. I think its the worst subject invented. I mean i dont get why we really need to take it. But whoever made that rule up alog time ago I really dislike you at this moment. LOL =) Well I hope you have a great day! And if you may have any tests or quizzes GOOD LUCK!!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Quote 3:
“Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.”~Unknown
Monday, September 21, 2009
Quote 2:
“A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.”~Unknown
America's Best Dance Crew
WE ARE HEROES for America's Best Dance Crew! America's Best Dance Crew came on last night if you didnt know! And sadly Massive Monkees had to be the crew elimanited. The remaining crews are AB and WE ARE HEROES. And they both performed last night after Massive Monkees had to walk it out of the competiton. And AB went up first and they had a nice performance but the killer performance was WE ARE HEROES. They had fire as a prompt and they showed that they are AMERICA'S BEST DANCE CREW! I mean their performance had EVERYBODY on their feet INCLUDING the judges! I mean it showed that females can be as cold as males! I want WE ARE HEROES to win because they showed what they can do and that they want this more than AB. Sorry AB, you were good but not better than WE ARE HEROES! Just simple as that. LETS GO WE ARE HEROES!!!!!!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sparks Move On to Western Conference Finals!!!!
We won the game tonight against Seattle Storm! :] This is their second straight year! The score was 75-64. Candace Parker scored 22 points and Lisa Lesie had 13. Lisa tonight made sure tonight was NOT her last night to play. If you didnt know she is retiring and hopefully she'll retire with another win. :] Well congrats Sparks and lets beat whoever's next. Get it!
~Unknown"Sometimes you put walls up not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.”
New Idea!
I came up with a new idea in like 5 minutes. I'm going to start putting up quotes. Some famous and some to just inspire others and myself. I'll put up one quote each day, well i'll try to each day. And i want you guess to tell me if the quote helped you in some kind of way that inspired you or that just made you do something that caught your eye and attention. Each quote will be on a certain topic. So for like each month will have a certain topic and everyday that month will have a quote that reflects on that topic. You get?? If you dont heres an example. Like for this month lets say the topic will be about friendships. Well every quote that i post about this month, the remaining of this month, will be about friendships. Does that explain it a little better? I hope so. Anyway, i'll will start posting the topics and quotes TODAY! :] i hope this helps inspire someone or something in your life. And if it does and you like the idea let me know please. :] Well lets get started! HOPE YOU LIKE IT!
HEY! Good morning, good evening, good afternoon. Or as they say in Spainsh Buneos dias, buneos noches, buneos tardes. I had a rough night last night. :[ And im just tryin to figure out how to deal with what all happened. Hopefully today goes alot better, less excitement. Well i hope you had a better weekend than i did. How was your weekend? Did you have good excitement or not so good excitement? Hopefully it was good. Well let me know. And i'll talk to you later! HOLLA AT YOUR GURL!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Yesterday, last night, I went to go see I Can Do Bad All By Myself with my friends. Personally I LOVE Madea and Tyler Perry. I think he is a GREAT producer, writer, and director. And this movie he did a great job AGAIN. If you didnt know this cast had alot of big names. Including my favorite singer Mary J. Blige, another one of my fav actress Taraji P. Henson, icon Gladys Knight, sexy Adam Rodriquez, sexy Brian White, and Marvin Winans. Now if you dont know them by their names then here some examples you may know them from. Taraji: Baby Boy(enough said), Adam Rodriquez; CSI: Miami, Brian White: Stomp the Yard. Now I didnt give examples for Mary J. Blige, Gladys Knight and Marvin Winans because you should already know them. And if you dont then you need to get out mor and listen to the radio. Now lets talk about the movie now that we know whos in it. As usual you will laugh, cheer, and maybe even get a little emotional. Overall, it was a WELL put together movie. The one thing that i would say is that the singing did slow down the movie a bit. But they were very good songs and had great meaning to them. And everyone sang BEAUTIFUL. I really enjoyed myself and cant wait for it to come out on DVD. I will love to see it again. Its being added to my collection of favorite movies. :] Great job AGAIN Tyler Perry. I cant wait for the next one Precious. If you've seen the movie tell me what you think and if not GO SEE IT! :] I HOLLA!!!
Oh yea check out this little trailer with Mary J. Blige singing the hell out of this song! She did her THANG!
Oh yea check out this little trailer with Mary J. Blige singing the hell out of this song! She did her THANG!
BIG Game Sunday
As you may or may not know its the playoffs; for the women. And the series is tied between the Sparks and Storm. This Sunday at 5:00 pm whoever wins the game will move on to the Western Conference Finals. :] Exciting huh? Maybe not to you, but VERY exciting to me! I hope the Sparks win! I want them to win the whole thing! I know they can do it too! But i just figured i should just let everyone know who didnt know! So yea if you want you can watch the game Sunday it'll be appearing on ESPN2. So check it out if you want! I HOLLA!
Oh yea! AND Candace Parker was named Western Conference Player of the Week! That is a GREAT thing!(If you didnt know) This is her THIRD career player of the week honor and SECOND this season. I dont care what ANYONE says! Candace Parker is a BEAST! She is a GREAT player! Thats why i look up to her because she works hard and you dont get named for awards for seating on your butt all day long. I need to work HARDER if i want to get were she's at and farther! OK NOW I HOLLA!!! :]
Oh yea! AND Candace Parker was named Western Conference Player of the Week! That is a GREAT thing!(If you didnt know) This is her THIRD career player of the week honor and SECOND this season. I dont care what ANYONE says! Candace Parker is a BEAST! She is a GREAT player! Thats why i look up to her because she works hard and you dont get named for awards for seating on your butt all day long. I need to work HARDER if i want to get were she's at and farther! OK NOW I HOLLA!!! :]
Friday, September 18, 2009
I have you heard about this fight???
I go to Belleville Eas High School and Belleville West are like our rivals and every sport. Recently there was a fight on one of Belleville WEST bus. It's 2 black boys beating up a white boy for whatever stupid reason. No one really know the truth. But i think they have just ruined their lives because they are black and are being charged for beating a white boy. And they're calling it a hate crime. They will be serving jail time for sure because aint NO WAY they going to let 2 black boys get away with beating a white boy. And it was prolly b/c they thought they were all "hard" and bad. I bet they wont be bad when they fighting grown men in prison not to rape they stupid butts! STUPID!! ITS REAL STUPID! And if yo havent heard about it hear it is someone taped it and put it on Youtube.....
Now that you've seen it for yourself tell me what you think about this whole thing............
Now that you've seen it for yourself tell me what you think about this whole thing............
The Past Week.....
SORRY!! If you have or havent noticed the past week i havent been blogging. And i'm going to be honest with you all. I was grounded for a week for skipping class. It wasnt like a HUGE skip but it was a skip. Last week on Wednesday i skipped my study hall. Study Hall, if you dont know, is a hall where you after lunch for half a class to do homework or sleep. Well, my study hall is unlike all the others. All the other study halls can talk and eat and drink, except mine. We cant talk or eat or drink. Its COMPLETELY BORING! We either do our homework or sleep. That's usually what like half of the class does. So anyway i didnt want to and i didnt think it was a big deal because it really wasnt a class, we dont a grade or anything. So i stayed and had lunch with my friend. But not think i forgot that our teacher takes attendance.And it showed that i went to every class except study hall. So my AP called me down the next morning and basically said i have a saturday detention. :( Stupid huh? Yes VERY! I know it was stupid and i wasnt thinking. So i got grounded and got all my privialges taking away. :( But yesterday was my last day and im off! So i can blog and stuff again. But i have to serve my saturday detention this saturday. :( And i PROMISE it never happen again. B/c if i skip my parents will kill me! I was lucky this time. Well, just wanted to let you know why you havent heard anything from me. Talk to yall later!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Oops! I forgot to blog about my day the last what? couple of days?? It's something like that. Well sorry to about that i've been trying to finish this homework to get my grades to A's like i ususally do. Now i aint got D's or F's because if i did i would be DEAD! And i'm so serious my mom will KILL me you will never hear from me again! Lol. But you dont have to worry about that because i usually do MOST of my homework and study for MOST of my quizzes and tests. But i got like all B's in my classes except like one i still got an A. And i'm not a big fan of B's. There nice and all but to me B means BETTER. As in i can do BETTER in that class. And i know i can do better in all my classes its just the first quizzes we took in the first week of school i was still in the laid back mindset(aka summertime mind) and i wasnt thinking like this could bring my grade down little by little if i dont do good. So yea that's the inside stuff to me and school. Haha i dont know what to call it. Anyway, back to the subject at hand, my day at school. I'll type that on another post b/c it'll be too long.......(if you scroll down to the post that says "My Day at School" you can see what happened) (That's the one below this one) :)
My Day at School....
It was nice. Im getting calmer and calmer around new people and im meeting older kids(aka upperclassmen) who are pretty cool. But the main thing that like made my day was PE. We played basketball after FINALLY getting our lockers assigned so we can lock up our pe clothes and stop carrying them around. But, we played basketball for like the last 10-15 minutes of class. It was alot of fun. It was just 3 on 3 because it was just a few of us who really wanted to play everybody just watched. So i was on a team with a homie from my old school who's pretty good and a gurl who i played against last year during basketball season. And we were against this guy named i forgot (he's annoying), another dude named Gaylen or something like that, and Ethan(cutey). If you've read my blog before ive been telling you about this guy i like and his named Ethan (the guy we played against). So i was guarding him some of the time but the other times i wasnt i was just watching him because he is a really good player. I was really impressed! I mean i knew he played b/c he told me he did but i never seen him play and man when i tell you he's good. He's GOOD! So that was like on my mind like the rest of the day and its giving me even MORE motivation to go practice harder. Which i'll be doing later when it cools down b/c its HOT right now. So that concludes my day at school. I got to finish this homework and then i'll come back and blog if i find anything to blog about. So I HOLLA! :)
Monday, September 7, 2009
My New Blog
My new blog i've just created is called The Music Of Life. You can check it out at
Check it out if you love music and all about rappers, singers, dancers, etc. There's new and old subjects on music from the past and the present. Check it out!
Tell me what you think about my new title and layout. HOLLA AT YOUR GURL!
Check it out if you love music and all about rappers, singers, dancers, etc. There's new and old subjects on music from the past and the present. Check it out!
Tell me what you think about my new title and layout. HOLLA AT YOUR GURL!
New Blogs!
Hey world im creating another blog, maybe 2 more blogs. I'm not deleting this one im just going to have different blogs talk about different subjects. This blog is my main blog so i'll post things that I'll be blogging about on my other blog on this one so that you can check out both. That way if you like music more than general subjects that i be talking about on this blog you can check out the other blog i'll have thats all about music. And if you like basketball WNBA or NBA you can check out my other blog about subjects only on basketball. And i'll still going to blog on this one its just the other things I like to just talk about will be on another blog. HOLLA AT YOUR GURL! I'll keep you updated so if you just want to follow this blog you can and still check out my other blogs! PEACE, LOVE & GOD!
-90's Music Lover
-90's Music Lover
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Shout Out to....
Shout out to my homegurls im hanging out with now right now! Shout out to my besties Kori, Robin, Shyla AND Ms. Angie! Let's get it! Heading to the mall and movies so i'll blog later! HOLLA AT YOUR GURL!
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday to the lady of the day; my mom! Happy birthday mommy! Love you! Hope you and your friends have a great time tonight! We both going to be out having fun! I just wanted to shout you out because without you i wouldnt be here and i love you to DEATH! I thank you for ALL your scarifies that you made for me and my sister i greatly APPRECIATE it! You are the greatest mother a daughter could have and I dont care what ANYONE says about that! Not ANYONE! Love you and have a WONDERFUL day! Kisses and hugs your first born! XOXOXOXO
Friday, September 4, 2009
My Day at School....
Hey world! Hows it going! Its a nice day huh? Well its pretty nice where i am and im sure it is where you are too! But anyway lets get to the subject of the day today,My Day at School. Today was another good day! :) I have no homework over the 3 day weekend. And i had 2 tests today that i think i did very well on! :) I even made it to all my classes on time! Wait, no, i didnt i was late to 1st hour. But i joined a couple of clubs! :) I joined the Big Brothers/ Big Sisters Club and i signed up for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes(aka FCA) Club. I'm going to the first meeting for FCA at 5:30. I met some more people today in my Biology class. Two more people transferred into our class and this guy named Alec sits in front of me so i talked to him a little bit.(he's kindof cute too). Speaking of cute guys i talk to the guy in my PE hour somemore. He's really sweet and nice. :) But after the FCA meeting im going to the first home football game so im going to try to talk to him there if i see him. He said he's going so yea. But other than not having homework,clubs, football game, and "mystery man" lol(geary im not telling you his name) my day has been coming really well and i hope it ends well too. And that concludes my day at school! HOLLA AT YOUR GURL!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Are Dark Skinned Brothers Coming Back??
I think so! I think the dark brothers are trying to comeback and get their shine on! Think about it... you got Mishon with Just A Kiss and Mullage with Trick'n. Now Mishon has a new song called Excuse Me Mama. And its pretty nice, I like it. If you havent heard it here it is. I dont know Chris Brown you better come with something besides Changed Man because you boii Mishon will take your spot. And he's on a role so far! He can sing, his song are respectful to us ladies, he's cute, AND he can dance! Oh yea you better have something up that abusive sleeve of yours! LOL JK JK JK i need to stop! Just check this video out but it doesnt have a thing so just go to and type in Mishon Excuse Me Mama. Oh and shout to Keke Palmer who is also in the video oh and Danger from the Love of Ray J! Keke blowing UP! Go head gurl speak for us dark skinned gurls! Chocolate ladies STAND UP! :)
Oprah's Tribute to the KING OF POP
ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! All that are fans of the late and GREAT Michael Jackson watch the Oprah Winfrey Show for her special tribute to the KING OF POP! she will air an entire show on SEPTEMBER 16 and show what she says "never before revealed details". DVR IT, WATCH IT, TAPE IT! I know i will! R.I.P. THE KING OF POP! WE GREATLY MISS YOU SO!
Oh btw Micheal has FINALLY been laid to rest! The Jacksons buried their brother, son, father, cousin, uncle in the Great Mausoleum at Forest Lawn in Glendale, California. It is strongly secured so it will very hard for us fans to get in to see Michael's grave :'( But im glad they finally can lay you to rest in peace. :' Again you will be GREATLY missed! R.I.P.
Oh btw Micheal has FINALLY been laid to rest! The Jacksons buried their brother, son, father, cousin, uncle in the Great Mausoleum at Forest Lawn in Glendale, California. It is strongly secured so it will very hard for us fans to get in to see Michael's grave :'( But im glad they finally can lay you to rest in peace. :' Again you will be GREATLY missed! R.I.P.
Just Plain Sad :(
This is so sad. A 19 year old sophomore attending Spelman College was SHOT and KILLED. There was a fight across the way at Clark-Atlanta University which where the stay bullet came from. Ms. Jasmine Lynn was not part of the fight and an 18 year was also wounded. Their name as not been released to the press, they also were not apart of the fight. This is just sad. They were just walking with their friends not messing with anyone and because of some ignorant actions one innocent girl was killed and another student was injured. That is sad. Both colleges will lose some students because of that because dont nobody want to got to a college where you have the chance at getting shot. And what makes it even more sad is that they are BLACK colleges. Come on yall we need to work as a people and try to make something better for ourselves and peers. I mean Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcom X, and Rosa Parks didnt fight for our freedom so we can shoot each other over some nonsense; which im sure it was over. But we dont know the whole story. :(
Wow! Amazing! See what I'm talking about...
There is a 14 year old that is attending COLLEGE as a SOPHOMORE! I'm 14 and im a FRESHMAN in HIGH SCHOOL! That is amazing! I give him alot of props on being so smart! And to add on to that he wants to go to medical school! Man! Congrats on a GREAT achievement! That's awesome! :)

OMG! LORD JESUS HELP THESE PEOPLE, PLEASE B/C I WANT TO GO OFF ON THEM RIGHT NOW! Did yall here about some parents being BUTTHOLES (i aint going to say what i really want to) over the president, OUR president, wanting to give a speech to all the schools and tell the students how its IMPORTANT to stay at school and get a good EDUCATION! Are you freakin' serious? They're talking about that he is "brainwashing" the students,us. Really, really?? Tell me this where were they at when former presidents George Bush and Ronald Reagan gave speeches to the schools? Huh? They didnt say nothing then! I'm glad Obama wants to give a speech to ALL the schools. It shows that he cares and that he really does want change. I dont think those parents realize that ALOT of kids are dropping out of school no matter if its middle school, high school, or college they are dropping out and they are losing a very VALUABLE education. And prolly THEIR kids are one of them kids who are wanting to drop out. And Obama giving a speech can change their mind and show them HEY YOU CAN DO THIS, IT CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH A BETTER LIFE! And i'm not the type whos like if your dropping or dropped your stupid and well be a loser! No because some people do find a way to make a better life, but it's VERY DIFFCULT. And im not saying that if you have an education then its any easier because its NOT! But it does give you a few extra steps as in a good job, nice house, nice car, nice clothes, etc. And not everyone can rap, or sing, or shoot a jumper, or catch a football, or hit a 100 home runs, or kick a ball, or serve the best serve, or win the most golf tournaments and earn alot of money. If you can do any of those things(like me(basketball)) go for it BUT HAVE A BACKUP PLAN. You cant do that for the rest of your life sooner or later you'll have to retire. And if you dont have enough money in the bank what are you going to?? I mean all im saying is that EDUCATION WILL GIVE YOU A BETTER LIFE IN THE LONG RUN! And i think that's what Obama wants to say. Why tell your kids" Hey you cant watch that he's brainwashing you!" Tell me what yall think?? Because frankly im kindof upset by it! :(
My Day at School....
Hey world! Just got off the bus and my day seemed long and tiring the first 2 hours but it got better. I took your advice and socialized more and met a couple of new people. And i talked to the guy in my PE hour. We had a full converstation too! :) It was basically about him because we're playing softball and we were on the same team :) and he keep dropping the ball so i made fun of him and called him butterfingers. I didnt get nervous either i was calm and cool :). I have some test to study for so i'll be doing that and when i take my snack breaks i'll blog and see whats going on. But thats all i really wanted to post for right now! HOLLA AT YOUR GURL! how did your day go?
I made it short this time ;)
I made it short this time ;)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I love this song! It's kinda funny!
She's like i really dont care! say whatever you want to say i dont care! say im a lier, cheater, i left u in the cold! i dont care i aint crying no more! as long as it OVER! LOL you go gurl! Tell him! Who cares, i just dont want to be with you know more! LOL :) I love that song! she got some good songs!
The Monique Show!
YES! that's right! Monique is comiing with her own TV talk show! It coming this October 5th on BET! Yes ladies and gents!She will have a live DJ and musicians and artist perform on her show! She is going to bring the comedy late at night i dont know the time yet but if you want to check it out (like me that's why im blogging about it) watch BET and look for the times. I would say check the website but that's how i know and they didnt have it yet. So that would be a waste of time.But yea check it out if you're curious! I HOLLA!
Twilight Fans!
Hey Twilight fans New Moon is coming out 11.20.09 which i'm sure you already know like my bestfriend she knew last year! Crazy! Anyway it looks pretty good. I want to see it but the only reason why i want to see it is because Jacob from the first cut his hair and he is lookin pretty HOT! I will go see only for him and if my friend ask me to go see it with her which i'm sure she will. So yea that's the latest on Twilight and the vampires and all that jazz! haha :)
Go Candace fight for the ball girl! I hope they called a foul on that play because it look like they fouling her!
NOOOOO!!! That doesnt look like a good thing for the Sparks! It looks like she got a steal! :(
The Storm beat Sparks last night 84-79! :( I am sadd that the Sparks gave up a fight to the Storm! :( But i understand my team last year gave up a few games and lost which REALLY SUCKED but we learned from least some of did(those who actually cared). But i hope Sparks learned from giving up and losing and will come out their next game against San Antonio this Saturday! BRING THE "A" GAME LADIES! Let's get it! Come on now im cheering for yall you cant let me down! :( LET'S GO!
Oh i forgot to tell you about this cute guy in my PE hour. I think he is really cute but i'm shy around people and i'm SUPER shy around cute boys! I mean i think i even start talkin funny and stuff if they talk to me oray something to me that's at first after awhile i kindof calm down. But anyway, he is SOOOO cute i've said i few words here and there when i get near him just to start up a converstation but we be playing softball(that's our 1st unit) and he either be on the other team than me or be far away. And i've only been on the same team with him once! :( But when i start a converstation we usually have to change sides and the converstation dont last for nothing but about a minute. So world mainly gurls tell me what can i do to get a convo. started and not end so short. Guys you can answer on this too because i want a guy's opinion and i want to know what you would want a girl to talk about if she talked to that would keep you interested. HOLLA AT YOUR GURL!! :)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
One of my FAVORITE R&B group of all time is performing for the first time in 7 years! Yes! Their last performance was at the BET Awards when they performed with Alicia Keys! They are suppose to be part of a benefit concert in Las Vegas with Justin Timberlake next month!(I wish i had some money because i want to go SOOOOO bad) At the upcoming benefit concert Alicia Keys and Ciara will also be performing! MAN, I NEED TO GET MY JOB PERMIT TOMORROW! :( I wish i can go! Maybe they bring out another cd or something... :) that would be AWESOME!!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Billboard Results!
Maxwell BLACKsummer'night is number 2 on the billboard charts for top Hip Hop and R&B Albums! Go Maxwell!
And my gurl Chrisette Michele is number 8 with her album Epiphany! I got to get that cd! And cute Jeremih is right behind her with number 9. I got to get his cd too.
To bad i aint got that much money for all these cds lol. Dont they know its hard times! HAHA :)
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